Wednesday, November 5, 2008

well - 2/6 4 *exams* to go

WELL molecular biology prac test went pretty good I thought - but then again when i think something goes good - i get like 65%, but when i think i get 50%, i get 75% - you know what i mean?

Anyway got 4 more exams - I plan on studying path for 2 hours and starting pharm at 2-2.30. Planning on just going flat out no break studying cause i know if i take a break - I'm going to to be farked.... it seems like when i plan on taking a 20 minute break - it turns into a 3 hour break. for example:

I took a 3 hour 'break' studying poker yesterday - mainly by thinking about hands osted on 2+2 forum. An interesting hand was posted by mujenin (forgive me if thats spelt wrong) - folding AA in a multiway pot. Like man - i just realised by playing micro stakes - you easily get married to your hand - but mainly because i believe its +ev to get it in with aa-qq generally in the $3 games.

Here is the link -

It got me thinking about ranges and how much i suck at putting people on ranges. i guess i've played about ~600 games this year in the microstakes - but that prolly is no where near enough experience to get good at the above. So thus I plan on playing more games during the summer when I *finally* have some quality time.

But meh - I was just thinking - girls in a polo shirt and shorts is hawt... but nevermind that - gotta get onto studying. Post again later. I think in one of the next couple of posts - I'll post some thoughts on 'blogging' cause tbh - I'm really excited about sharing this blog with the rest of the world. Gah!

take care and say a prayer that i don't get too distracted studying pharm and pathology.


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