Thursday, November 27, 2008

This year has been... Rough on the academic front

Here are my results from this year. I believe that the drop in my WAM from 82 to 75 is a setback.

Student ID: 3192431Program: 3991 Medical Science

UNSW Assessment Results for Semester 1 2008Issued at Thu Nov 27 16:50:02
ANAT2241 Histology: Basic and Systemati...74 CR
BIOC2101 Principles of Biochem (Adv)..........80 DN
MICR2011 Microbiology 1................................69 CR
PHPH2101 Physiology 1A.................................67 CR

UNSW Assessment Results for Semester 2 2008Issued at Thu Nov 27 16:50:02
BIOC2201 Principles of Mol. Biol (Adv)..............70 CR
INOV2100 The Innovation Process....................77 DN
PATH2201 Processes in Disease..........................66 CR
PHPH2011 Introductory Pharmacology and.....64 PS
PHPH2201 Physiology 1B.....................................68 CR
Term WAM: 68.111 Overall WAM: 75.121

UndergraduateProvisional Academic Standing : Good Standing

My WAM has fallen from 82 to 75.121. A 7 point drop doesn't seem that bad. For example, people will argue that it is still a distinction average, etc, etc, etc and that I should be thankful that I have a distinction mark (which I am by the way... I think I'm really lucky and blessed to be clever enough to maintain such a WAM).

But I hate the fact that the results suggest that I have regressed, rather than progressed. This is the reason why i think the drop in my WAM is a failure. I don't believe in finding excuses or blaming anyone. The blame rests purely on me. However, I want to find the reasons why I am regressing - fix them up for next semester and be done with it. My goal overall is to get my WAM above 80 - which means have a HD average next year.

Well here some of the things I was happy with this year in general:

1. I was able to experiment with my studying style:

Long story short - I like loose leaflets for general rough summary notes on a topic and I love flashcards for exam purpopses. Also... I found that I studied best with the text book.

2. I was willing to experiment with my lifestyle.

Well - I picked up poker at the end of April really seriously. I have no doubt in my mind that it had a MASSIVE effect on my WAM. Also, the emotions you feel pursuing a girl (Sarah SM1 and Vanessa SM2)+ the effects of a downswing on your mental state + stresses of work + the stresses of study + the burden of knowing you need to save up $22,000 by the end of next year = a rough year. This Sounds so obvious and stupid in hindsight, i know - but I feel like I gave this year a it a really solid shot trying to balance lifestyle and work. it just didn't work out when it came to the results. Thats all.

3. I found out 2 things about my body:

* my body works best when I sleep before 12 and wake up after 4.45am.
* My most effective stress reliever is exercise - not youtube, poker, or anything that requires sitting down. I got to actually move my arse.

4. I discovered coffee

is a good kicker during the times when you can't sleep.

5. I discvered Poker

Was able to give me a new perspective on life. It actually taught me not to be so results orientated - but to be process orientated.

The negatives:

1. Easing in to things:

No such thing when it comes to uni... I really plan on hitting the ground running - I'll plan a little bit later and below.

2. Time management's enemey is instant gratification.

Not so much as in I really sucked at time management itself. For example, I thought my exam prep was okay... obviously it wasn't. But that wasn't so much because it was due to exam preparation. I felt I did EVERYTHING I could to be prepared for these exams. I honestly sincerely do. However, the damage was done during the beginning of semester when i had the oppurtunity to really be on top of everything. There was too much poker during the times that I needed to study. For example, I would finish on a tuesday this semester at 3pm. I would study (ineffectiely) from 3.30-5pm and get home, help with dinner, and not be able to study due to poker being TOO MUCH of a temptation. The Quality vs Quantity was not enough here. In hindsight, I prolly would've finihsed up on a tuesday - gone for a run in the afternoon - chilaxed. at 5.30 do a short session - then heklp out wiht dinenr - then study again till 11.30 - sleep, wake up at 5 to study again. Then when i finish - play poker till uni started.

I really underestimated the amount of effort I needed to put in this year JUST TO MAINTAIN MY MARKS. I probably out in just as much effort last year - but I ended up only getting Credits this year... It just shows that the work does get harder as you move up the years in uni.

Things I did differently from last year:

1. play poker
2. pursue a girl

These are the ONLY thing I did differently from last year. The only things I did differently and it brought my average WAM from 80 to 70. So I guess its important not to bring anything else onto the plate - Or atleast eliminate both of these things.

Things That are out of my control for next year:

1. extra 9 units
2. driving.

Thats it. Something is going to give, but I'lll try my best to not let it.

Things to do differently next year'

1. Set something up with Vanessa - like a study goal, just to help me keep on top of everything.
2. Start waking up at 5am everyday from - particularly from January July. Just get into the routine of sleeping before 11.45. And have a sleep in twice a week. This is probably the only way to get through the 30 unit semester next year and do well. Get into this routine in January when its not so bad.

* druing the time I have nothing, make sure I am up to date with all my work.
* coffee to help me out.

So all in all, the results were dissappointing - but the process was not as bad as I though tit be. I think this year was a bigger learning curve than last year tbh with you, particularly with those two massive new experiences to e - poker and girls. Thanks for reading.


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