Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Hi i'm Theo - I'm currently 20 and at UNSW doing med sci (Just about to finish 2nd year). i live in Sydney and in the middle of exams, procrastinating. I thought this would be a good idea to vent about life and schtuff like that. Also -I think this will be interesting to read over in like 3 years time, particularly on my quest to get to high stakes poker and earn a 6 figure bankroll!!!!! So, ya.

I have a biochemistry exam for tomorrow. Its now 10.40pm and I plan on going to sleep in an hour so I can wake up at 5 to study a little more. Mmmm.... I've been telling my self to give away poker until the exams have finished but that has failed miserably. Gonna try again and stop all the poker study and what not. In fact i unistalled pokerstars just then!

Also - When the girl that your dating says, "I'm glad that we're freinds first", what the hell does that mean? Sigh... I think it means that its gonna be over soon - which I find hard to believe. Maybe I'm just worrying too much about these exams... Talk about crappy thoughts b4 an exam!

PS, sorry if this post was incoherant - i typed this up in like 6 minutes. have a good one


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