Friday, November 7, 2008

3/6 and some thoughts on blogging

Ya, 3/6 exams down and 3 to go. I got one on monday, one on Tuesday and another on Thurday. After I post this I'm going to start studying and planning. I've been running hot as of late in the $3. Two back to back winning sessions in a row and really happy about it. However - I really want to study and internalise gigabet's post on mentality towards poker. But thats for later

The reason why I started bloggin was for:

1. brain dumping
2. To share my story because I sincerely believe that I was born to create change to this world and do something great.

I must admit, I have always been against the internet blogging or myspace, facebook - whatever. A couple of reasons:

1. it lets others check up on yor profile way too easily. Because of this you lose:
* edge
* mystery
* reveal your strengths
* reveal your weaknesses
* Reveal your thought processes.

2. Obvious risk of others stalking you
3. And some other things that I can't put into words at the moment.

But I think the above two reasons I've given tilts the balance to 'ya - go ahead and blog'.

mmmm... pharmachology exam was okay. However i feel Like I should've sent my time making flashcards rather than fucking around making notes. oh well.


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